Monday, August 18, 2008

Forget Counting Jellybeans, Count These:


100 pesos to the first person who can count how many ants are in this picture; yes you have to be exact....


Anonymous said...

I may have missed one but I count 1,123,242 ants.

216 Blogs said...

Sorry, but you didn't win. Better luck next time. I've tried to 'let' you win by figuring out a way to get your 'number' to represent 216, but I can't =(

1+1+2+3+2+4+2= 15, which is only 1 away from 16

1*1*2*3*2*4*2= 96 =(

11*23*24*2= 12144

11*23/24*2= 21.083, shucks you were .516666 away

Well, I think you get the idea....but IF you can make it work, please let me know and I'll hook you up with some sort of peso amount!
