Friday, August 1, 2008

The Big Move, Part 1: Disassembly

We've had a noisy week at the office. The hired moving team has been taking apart all of the non-used cubes (and some used). Because chaos, destruction and disarray occur naturally all around us, one must appreciate the aforementioned states of being because they allow us to contrast what is good versus bad.

Here is some good old fashion desctruction for all to enjoy!!!

Our cubes are the few still standing; until today at 2pm.

My first and favorite shot of the day. It was captured with no flash while the sun was rising. I totally dig the shadows and sunlight coming through the window.

1 comment:

prof216 said...

I have to agree with you. The last picture of that series is my favorite as well. I enjoyed the lighting and shadows very much. The sunlight adds direction to the picture. The shadows provided a nice element of feeling alone within your abandoned workplace.